MAM – São Paulo Museum of Modern Art.

São Paulo, May 2016



The action is part of the project “Cvlto do Fvtvrv”, in which the artist proposes to create engagement actions involving a sect-church.


“Marcha ao Cvlto do Fvtvtv” is part of the unfolding of the project Cvlto do Fvtvrv when gymnasts, acrobats, and guest artists participated.


The procession started at MAC USP – The University of São Paulo Museum of Contemporary Art, went up the steps of the Bienal building main entrance, and ended at MAM – São Paulo Museum of Modern Art.


Inspired in political manifestations, inauguration ceremonies, rallies and nominations, it sometimes flirted with the cheerleader universe, exalting beauty, and a young collective force that represents union and patriotism. “Marcha ao Cvlto do Fvtvrv” also presented a series of human pyramids, cheering and war cries.



The group then occupied the Lina Bo Bardi auditorium for the “Cerimônia dos 6 Mantos” (Ceremony of the Six Cloaks), a ritual of profound devotion, in which an unidentified artist was masked, cloaked, and veiled in countless layers, being visually transformed into an iconic figure.


The purpose of the performance was a discussion on how the symbolic construction and ritualistic order stress in the audience the importance of their values, in a subjective and implicit mode, not filtered by the rational aspect of the mind.


Like in others of his works, the artist uses the structure of basic and traditional manifestation rituals as support to promote reflection and critique, thus creating a paradox, since the iconoclast content presented conflicts with the conservative narrative of the ritual.

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